Sunday, September 30, 2007

Green eyes...

Title: Puddy Tat
Subject: Animals
Media: Photography
Location: Lakewood
Completion Date: 9/30/07

Saturday, September 29, 2007

One day this world's gotta end...

What will happen to the televisions...once man is gone?

Title: Futurevision
Subject: Technology
Media: Photography
Location: Seattle
Completion Date: 09/29/07

Explainations are in order...

I'm sure a great many of you are curious about my obsessive nature and how it leads me to reference zombies as much as I do. Perhaps you have written it off already as "just one of those things" or perhaps you have stereotyped me as one of those geeky zombie freaks...well either way you would be partially right, however, I feel that you should be ashamed of yourself! Stereotyping is a terrible thing to do! Tsk, tsk...but since you are right in the end, you shouldn't worry about it I suppose. I do have a defense though, if you are willing to venture into my brain for a short time. The correlation I draw between myself and the zombies is not completely without reason...I compare the zombie's constant need for sustenance through human flesh and brain to my own need for constant visual stimulation and creation. While I don't wander around muttering "arrrrt, arrrrrt" the need is there just the same, I've just learned to control these tendencies, you see. A stretch perhaps but my undeniable love for pop culture and the wandering undead, as well as my need for depth and meaning in basically all creative decisions, has lead me to this conclusion. So feast on the minions!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Strange days are coming...

This is the first post of the rest of my life. Wow...dramatic. No, here is the real deal: I'm one of the few, the proud, the starving art students. I decided this is a prime opportunity for me to record the happenings in my growth as an artist. If all goes to plan from now until the end of my tenure at Northwest College of Art there will be constant updates of assignments, projects, philosophies, complaints, ramblings etc., etc., etc.. There will be posts of my work with explanations and those without. In the end it will come down to this...the huge mess that is the right side of my brain and the journey to refine it's insane tendencies.

Why do this?, you ask?

Well it comes down to this...I love art. I love the world that allows me to create. I feed off the huge mosaic of culture, technology, and observations of the human beings that walk the world. I'm living my dream right here and now, I want a record of it and I believe it is something that could benefit anyone who gives it time.

This is our world, it is what we make it. I plan to make it mine and beautiful.